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In Eyes Magazine March 2019, Phil Thomson, points out the importance of UV protecting Contact Lenses

In an interesting article in March UK Optical Magazine Eyes on page 18, Phil Thomson, Head of Professional Services SynergEyes.

UK discusses UV protection in contact lenses.PhilThomson160x200
He points out that due to Global warming, increasingly hot summers in the UK and ongoing research about the damaging nature of UV on eyes means that contact lenses with UV protection makes sense. “Due to the nature of how a contact lens sits on the eyes, contact lenses offer a high level of protection and no UV can ‘creep’ around the edges as is possible with spectacles or sunglasses. Contact lenses also offer protection when wearing sunglasses just isn’t a possibility such as during some sporting activities” says Phil.

‘At this stage UV protection is not a strong driver for consumers says Cheryl Donnely, Chief Executive, BCLA. Stronger drivers are comfort, safety and vision’.

The Duette Family of Hybrid lenses provide these consumer benefits and while Phil agrees on that there is still a relatively low awareness of the UV protection afforded by some contact lenses, he believes this can change.

“It is incumbent on practitioners to continue to educate patients, especially those spending a great deal of time outdoors, on the benefits of general UV protection. To that point it is important not to overplay the benefits from contact lenses as they do not protect the whole ocular surface and are not a replacement for proper sunglasses in the summer, or while doing certain sports such as skiing,” he says.

’How do you protect your eyes from harmful UV light?’
In the article, Phil explains that education can be as simple as focusing general awareness of UV. “Consumers are much more aware of UV and its harmful properties to the skin. Simply extending this knowledge with a question ’How do you protect your eyes from harmful UV light?’ will be thought provoking and enable the consumer to better understand the benefits of UV protection in contact lenses.

It is an important question for the Eye Care Practitioner (ECP) to ask his patients/customers from the start in delivering the important message to about the importance of UV protection.
“ECP’s  need to take every opportunity both front-of-house, as well in the consulting room, in order to provide patients with written, as well as verbal information”.

Using the right product
Inevitably there are challenges, even if eduction is put in place. According to Phil, off-shore Internet companies that are not bound by UK laws regarding supply are a real issue. “There are several companies now that will supply their own house brand, regardless of what the patient is wearing. The companies do say they need a current prescription but they are happy to supply without it.

“There has never been a more important time to start using better quality products that cannot be supplied without the proper care” he says.

Duette and Duette Progressive lenses are six-month replacement contact lenses capable of correcting almost any amount of corneal astigmatism and offer UV protection. They usually work out less expensive that the comparative daily disposable option.

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